Fisherman, Market, & Goats - S106
Life Journeys Reminiscence
6m 41s
Fly-Fisherman on the Maine coast, a French outdoor market, Goats, and a French traditional dance.
Up Next in Life Journeys Reminiscence
A Man's Journey - S134
Following the theme of a man’s life, this film incorporates imagery of young love, the professional world, and family. This session intertwines film and music to engage and intrigue.
Periods of Life - S1060
Experience the many stages of life in an interactive way. The viewer will see the very beginning of life when one is a baby, growing up playing and hanging out with friends, all the way to ones wedding day and retirement. All with interactive prompts along the way to spark the viewer's memory of ...
A Good Day - S1050
Go on a journey over the course of a day and enjoy a couple of the fun things there are to do in life. A fun, interactive adventure along the coast of California. The film starts with a nice walk in the woods with a beautiful dog. From there, we travel down the Pacific Highway to a beautiful surf...