Full Body Massage - S8022
Featured - Health, Wellness & Sports
Jessica has been an expert in chair yoga for decades and this program is one of the most adapted yoga classes for people living with disabilities. Enjoy the gentle chair Yoga or meditative and relaxation exercise at your paste. These are always better when facilitated by a care partner.
Up Next in Featured - Health, Wellness & Sports
Movement To Release Frustration, Seat...
Jessica has been an expert in chair yoga for decades and this program is one of the most adapted yoga classes for people living with disabilities. Enjoy the gentle chair Yoga or meditative and relaxation exercise at your paste. These are always better when facilitated by a care partner.
Meditation Practice - S417
Discover our short Channel series of 10-minute relaxation and fun engagement
Guided Meditation for Positivity - S8000
This guided meditation shows you beautiful shots of the ocean, beach, and waves, all while prompting you with positive affirmations. This is perfect for turning your day around if you are feeling down, or make it even better if you are already feeling good.